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domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

TempAR v1.1 Released – Now with POPs Support!

Y’all cheaters need to update right away if you’re using raing3′s PSPAR… In fact, forget the name PSPAR — it’s TempAR now — and TempAR just got a whole lot better. You’ll see what I mean by glancing over the TempAR v1.1 changes. I’m talking POP support, a NitePR code converter, plenty of fixes, and all around awesomeness.
NitePR PSPAR Mod Screenshot
  1. Copy the whole TempAR directory to seplugins and add the appropriate line — ms0:/seplugins/TempAR/tempar.prx 1 — to game.txt.
  2. Start your game and press the “Home” button twice followed by a simultaneous press of VOL UP + VOL DOWN.
  3. Enable whatever cheats and press “Note” to activate ‘em.
TempAR v1.1:
  • [+] Added POPS and homebrew support, thanks to Davee for information on getting the Game ID without the need for the daunting task of parsing the PARAM.SFO. Please note that homebrew PARAM.SFO files need to be patched so the Game ID isn’t the same for all homebrew. Also keep in mind that CWCheat POPS files are not compatible. The codes need to be in either PSPAR or CWCheat PSP format.
  • [+] Settings can now be saved so there is no need to re-configure on each load!
  • [+] Added support for loading from different cheat.db files.
  • [+] Added PC NitePR to PSPAR code converter.
  • [+] Added comment mode paramater to the PSPAR bin converter. Use 0 to prepend all comments with a # or 1 to prepend folders with _C1 and comments with _C2.
  • [+] Codes which have no code lines are highlighted and have no Y/N before their name. This is to allow for in-game comments.
  • [!] Fixed problem loading the colours from a file.
  • [!] Fixed screenshot option, forgot to set the option in the makefile, whoops.
  • [!] Fixed the 0xD1 PSPAR code type.
  • [?] Offset is only added to PSPAR conditional codes if the address used is 0.
  • [?] Added an aditional check to CWCheat pointer codes to help prevent a crash with bad codes and uninitialized pointers.
  • [?] Cheat device is now known as “TempAR”. “Temp” because GBAtemp is my online home and “AR” because it supports “AR” codes. To further expand on this the Temp is what CW is to CWCheat and AR I guess is what PR is to NitePR. Plus it can be pronounced temper woot! (thanks to xist for the suggestion).
Download: TempAR v1.1

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