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domingo, 11 de julho de 2010

Cube3D — PSP 3D Homebrew Demo Released

You gotta download it to see it… And to see it you gotta sport them red/cyan glasses… This is anaglyph (old-school) 3D on the PSP! If Sony won’t do it, homebrew developers will. This all stems from Wassgha, who explained his 3D on PSP concept, and the actual release showcasing it is possible comes from Geecko. Nice work.
Cube3D PSP Demo
Cube3D Features:
  • Viewing a cube and eight satellites, which move
  • Enabling / Disabling the 3D anaglyph with X
  • Adjusting the perspective and angle of view with the directional arrows (values are shown in the top left of the screen)
Source included.
Download: Cube3D Demo
- source: pspgen

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